Lamaze Childbirth Classes
I am a Lamaze International Certified Childbirth Educator, this is the only childbirth education program approved by the National Council of Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Pregnancy and birth can bring a whole range of emotions, feelings and fears. As a childbirth educator I believe if you have evidence based knowledge and tools to navigate this journey, you will feel strong, confident and informed every step of the way.
From $300
3 x 2hrs or 2 x 3hrs
Maximum 2 couples per class
Class outline
The stages and phases of birth
Signs of early labour, how to tell if you are in labour and when to contact/go to the hospital/birth place
The role of hormones throughout your birth and the postpartum period and how these work together with your body and baby.
Comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation and visualization techniques, use of hot and cold, massage, and optimal positioning.
What is functional pain in labour and strategies to work with it
Empowering your birth partner to ensure they can best support you
The tools and communication skills to help you work effectively with your health care providers
Hospital procedures and interventions that you may come in to contact with and ways to ensure you can make informed choices about your birth
Optimal positions for pushing and the birth of your baby.
The transition in to the postpartum period and how to best prepare.
Postpartum health and support – breastfeeding, newborn care etc
I believe in the 6 Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices
A safe and healthy birth in six simple steps
Let labour begin on its own
Walk, move around and change positions throughout labour
Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support
Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary
Avoid giving birth on your back and follow your body's urges to push
Keep mother and baby together - It's best for mother, baby and breastfeeding